Donations still continue to trickle in!  THANKYOU KINDLY PEOPLE! :D
Id still appreciate everyone sharing my blog / facebook page to help spread the word.....
The 1/2 Marathon is looming so only a couple of weeks to get your predicted finishing time in for the "Guess the Finishing Time" Competition! so come along people.... ;o)
I have finally heard from the Guinness book of world records about the time required to break the record for the Fastest Half Marathon dressed as a nurse!  2hours!  Im in with a chance!  I need to be able to find some "independent Witnesses" for the day though to sign a statement that I did indeed run the race!  So if you know anyone from a running club or such like who may be interested in helping me, please let me know :o)
And if this is not enough to be getting on with.....I am cycling in Nuneaton Ropewalk on Saturday 3rd March!  PHEW!!!
On Saturday March 3rd we will be descending on the Nuneaton Ropewalk along with Gerard, Turbo Trainer, Monty Bear and some lovely volunteer tin shakers.  So while I get busy cycling and burning would be great if you guys could shed some £'s!! haha!
It would be great to see you there so please come along and say helllloooooo :o)
We will have entry forms so if you make a donation please dont forget to have a guess at my Half Marathon / Full marathon finishing time!  Who knows, you could be a winner! :D